Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction
Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Asymmetrical Face Treatment

Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Did you know you can give a number to beauty? This is roughly 1.62 and it is known as the Golden Ratio of beauty.

The Golden Ratio (also known as Phi, or the Fibonacci number) is a mathematical symmetry algorithm that underlies our perception of attractiveness. Studies of the most beautiful women in the world have shown that they have countless instances of this ratio in their faces.

This proves symmetry to be a key factor in perceived attractiveness, especially in female faces.

Why symmetry is important for our perception of beauty

Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Some scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be healthier. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to find it beautiful. Others think that we tend to perceive a face more aesthetically appealing when it features the Golden Ratio because the human eye can process it faster and that causes our brain to feel ‘pleased’.

How aesthetic treatments can help correct an asymmetrical face

Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Have you got very visible facial asymmetry, which may be especially noticeable in photographs?

Have you got one eyebrow higher than the other? Have you got one cheek fuller than the other?

Thanks to the latest advancements in facial aesthetic treatments, today it is possible to restore facial proportions and rejuvenate older features with a different combination of non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment options.

Treatment options usually include a combination of dermal fillers and botulinum toxin.

Cheek Sculpting (or Cheek Fillers Treatment)

Cheek fillers can bring your face into balance by making the cheekbones more prominent. This can give you an instant, razor-sharp definition, and a natural-looking, youthful appearance. The treatment also smooths the nose-to-mouth lines, effectively lifting the entire face.

Nose Sculpting (non-surgical nose job)

This treatment is often required by patients who have had just had chin sculpting, in order to maintain the right proportions and the Golden Ratio of facial beauty. A non-surgical nose job consists in sculpting your nose with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to resolve a range of nose issues, such as:

  • Correcting a dorsal hump, making the nose look smaller and straighter

  • Building the nasal bridge when this is very shallow

  • Optically correcting a septum deviation

  • Raising the tip of the nose with non-surgical treatments


Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

Non-surgical jawline contouring is a specialized procedure that is customized for your individual needs, using injectables to sculpt the contours of the lower face and achieve an aesthetic, smooth and beautiful definition.

During non-surgical jawline contouring, fillers, Botox or Kybella, or a combination of these treatments can be used to achieve the look you want. Add volume and structure to the jawline and give it a stronger, firmer appearance with fillers, or soften hard edges with Botox. Kybella injections can be used to erase the double chin, which can detract from the jawline and fade its definition.


Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm and Restylane can improve the jawline and chin by filling and firming to address lost facial volume, fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers provide more separation between the jawline and the neck, providing definition and a youthful, refined and sculpted contour.


Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction

For those who would like a less heavy or prominent jawline, Botox can be used to achieve this effect. Some patients would like a more narrow jaw or have experienced a widened or increased jaw size due to jaw clenching. During this treatment, Botox is injected into the muscle under the cheekbones. Over time, the size of the jaw will decrease. The results last 3-4 months, though with continued injections, the muscle will begin to atrophy over time due to lack of use, and the jaw will stay narrower.


To combat and reduce a double chin, the revolutionary Kybella helps eliminate fat in the upper throat and below the chin. Kybella is the first FDA-approved non-surgical treatment to reduce moderate to severe fat below the chin. After an average of two to four treatments delivered at 1-2 month intervals, you can enjoy a more refined and contoured jawline and say goodbye to that stubborn double chin.

Facial asymmetry and volume loss correction


Men or women who would like to sculpt their jawline without a surgical procedure are likely candidates. Candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • Are at a healthy, consistent weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Have good skin elasticity

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